
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Orthodontist Explains the Correlation Between Bad Oral Habits in Children and Misaligned Teeth

A beautiful smile is the standard of American beauty. More specifically, straight teeth are seen as something incredibly attractive in a person’s appearance. This belief is so firmly implanted that 38% of Americans would rule out a second date if the potential partner has misaligned teeth.

As parents, it is natural to want our children to succeed both in career and romance. Orthodontics is widely known as the solution for misaligned teeth or malocclusion. However, many people still fail to identify some of the causes behind it. Though there are many factors in play, the most common cause of misaligned teeth is having bad oral habits. If left uncorrected, these habits can cause a relapse in the dentition even after treatment.

Mouth Breathing

Most commonly to occur during sleep, mouth breathing almost always is an involuntary action. Though it may initially happen only during sleep, the habit can develop and become prominent during the waking hours, as well. Read more from this blog:

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Two Types of Braces Orthodontists May Recommend to Correct Misaligned Teeth

For the health of your teeth it’s important that you take proper care of them by daily brushing and cleaning. But if you’re teeth are crooked or misaligned, certain problems can still arise. In fact, recent research has found that crooked teeth doesn’t just ruin a perfect smile. Instead, the condition actually poses some serious risk on your overall health, too.

According to a number of dental experts, severe teeth misalignment can lead to serious bite problems. When this happens, a person can suffer from serious temporomandibular disorders, which can also lead to disk slippage in the TMJ region as well as arthritis of the joint. Bite problems can also contribute to significant pain and headache episodes.

Experts have also found that having an abnormal bite can lead to tooth decay or tooth loss. You can also suffer from jaw problems and gum disease. Additionally, having crooked teeth can also affect your ability to speak clearly as well as your ability to chew your food well. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Invisalign Treatment Can Help To Treat an Array of Dental Issues

There are many different reasons why a person’s teeth can become misaligned or crooked. Among these reasons are improper fittings of crowns or fillings, early loss of adult or baby teeth, other pressure on the teeth or gums, a jaw injury that leaves teeth misaligned afterwards, tumors in the jaw or mouth, prolonged use of bottles or pacifiers, or excessive thumb sucking.

You might immediately think of traditional braces when you look for ways to fix crooked or misaligned teeth, but it’s not the only option. Enter Invisalign, a more comfortable set of clear retainers that’s finding favor among more people. Previous Invisalign wearers love the fact that it’s almost unnoticeable and easily removable, while yielding impressive results in straightening their teeth.

Here are some of the dental issues that Invisalign can help fix. Read more from this blog:

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Here’s How You Can Make Your Child’s First Trip To the Orthodontist Non-Traumatic

Problems in the teeth can arise even as a child. In fact, dental issues such as crooked teeth, underbites and overbites can affect anyone as early as birth. If nothing is done to treat them immediately, these problems can only get worse and even compromise your child’s health.

Why do these orthodontic issues happen to children? Genetics is one of the biggest factors in these problems. It can also happen as a result of early loss of baby teeth. In some cases, teeth misalignment can also be caused by tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, and the use of a pacifier beyond age three. If misaligned bites and crooked teeth are not treated, it can lead to problems like gingivitis, cavities and tooth decay. Not to mention, it can also interfere with the child’s ability to chew food properly. Read more from this blog: